You just want justice for nirmala panta, because it is trending. Change my mind


Some Unga punga hit the jackpot with hit and trial on fire. Then Everybody started banging stones to create a spark ; it made life easy because cooked food made chewing easier. Fire is a trend albeit a non decaying one.
Similarly Money is a construct, it has no real value unless a large group of people decide that it has value; Money has a trend. But there are sadhus who deny the usage. Do they matter? Not for a society.
When whole society is based upon collaboration ,sharing, and setting up the trends individual thoughts don't matter, you have to deviate towards majority to be part of society in someway. 
I want justice for Victim for X reasons, so do many of them, maybe with different motive and different reasons hence it is a trend, doesn't matter if i just want validity through likes and comment or i am someone who really cares. 

I am who you may generalize as society who you might blame when life doesn't go how you expect.I am same society who you blame when Bhagya neupane and some rapper reader goes on trending. I am the one who shares bogus links with clickbait thumbnails and titles without validating the news. I set the trend. Can you change it? Do you have the authority or power to stop the circulation. If i want something to be true, i am force to be reckoned with. 
I am just a common man, i don't even have a slightest of hint when someone takes a profit out of my gullibility. In fact i don't even care. Who knows i might have cancelled someone, called out cruel things to someone innocent. Not all of my viewpoints are meant to be taken as correct. I may cling to someone with higher authority. Rabi lamichanne says that kalapani is ours. I don't have any proof or checked anything regarding it, but i am going to believe it because Rabi Dai said it. I am going to micro blog about India, protest and claim that the land is ours and May even say "that india looks like Kattu; hence they are Dhoti who hide it."
So you identified my motives. Deep inside you found me hollow who is just capable of echoes. You dissected me but just identifying the motive or generalizing it won't make someone woke. it is what it is. If likes bring justice, let it flow. If it makes digestion easier, let it get cooked. And i can't just burn all the money like joker and watch the world burn . it may be who i think i am or at least in my dreams i imagine myself burning whole pile of money but the sad truth is that i am weak. I am part of the herd that would try to gather as much money as possible and take it home and fulfill my materialistic dreams.


for someone who thinks as woke part of the herd, the drop of oil who encapsulates  water instead of water who encapsulates the drop of oil;
I watched Fight Club and had same feelings. 
But sometimes woke might be true. Someone needs to be skeptic about the situation.  Snowden provided  proof on government spying on people. What did people do? John Doe released the panama papers. As a consequence Mossak Fonseca was shut down but did it stop, tax evasions?
Whistle blowers are rare breed, but are part of woke group. One underdog who thinks in a different way. In fact because of snowden i am obliged to use a container for social media platforms like facebook. i don't click on malicious link and my camera is taped. 

But But They are action takers. Only woke people can take action. If you are woke and make a lot of money you are philanthropist, a social worker. If are woke and broke, either you are busy in your own life discarding your viewpoints, or you might be working on it and chances are you might end up in jail because society doesn't like you. Here society is  small group of people but they have power to create trend. 
original point : When you are disregarding your views and not working for it; You don't  need your mind to be changed. You already know what reality is; either cope with it or fight with it. your flimsy statement in the vastness of internet is going into a big hole. Now change my mind


  1. "Money is a construct, it has no real value unless a large group of people decide that it has value"

  2. times are changing. the very foundation of democracy lies in majority;the big ones win. but as society evolved to present point of time certain aspects has been controlled; in fact majority of aspects has been controlled or is in survillience. monetization has taken such deep root in our way of life that masses are swayed in it and the result is the threat in our very belief of democratic foundationn. the world is ruled by corrupts and those with their own motives, who they think are doing good for their selves or their country but the very problem lies in the factor that every country was not formed by peoples free will but by dictators and rulers in the bygone era who claimed it , and these foundation evolved to what we see now. borders disputed, races trailed for recognition, discrimination. the only path which lies ahead is of mutual cooperation, But there is no any real thing as harmony is there!! or the heaven would not be fanticized and hell would not be feared.!!!
    so we search and search until we try to find what satisfies us and fancy things we seek but cannot pay for. so the question is will we hold on to the point where there will be a time when the only thing in life matters, beyond the materialistic and monetary compulsion for gaining path to survival and continuing existing and make things matter to the future generation or we will head towards the discretion path of inevitable oblivion forever lost in time and history. You decide.

    1. Idk man, You seem to move towards the idea of world being a theater for conspiracy. May be it is. I don't care if i under constant surveillance or not, if i am getting the right answers for my questions. I will google anyways. Whole IOT infrastructure is criticized by the groups that work for internet freedom and privacy. minimalism in the technology usage is a requirement. Recent Tik-tok bans around the world shows how much of threat a single piece of software can be. But it always has been like that. You and me are going to die anyways. Whole human race survival can't be guaranteed either. It might not be like how you describe, How about a comet drops tomorrow? or someone plugs out and stops the simulation? Any ways i couldn't decide what we are discussing about due to vagueness of the question in hand.


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