What it is like being part of Flat Earth society
My job, if you ask; it's questioning the very reality i live in. I don't care about the facts and science unless it satisfies my ego and viewpoints. There is a term for that in behavior psychology called confirmation bias.
I always wanted to stand out of crowd. Not as the only black sheep in a herd but as Shaun the sheep. Since I have no viable and recognizable talent, i choose to satisfy my need to be unique by believing something majority of population does not. I believe that there is a greater cause for my existence and only by proving other side wrong or trying to justify my point i can redeem myself. Even though i have never touched any book related to science. I follow some of those independent researchers who even have their article published on VIXRA about earth being flat. I know the platform is not peer reviewed but their test is rigorous enough for me to believe it. I even tried re performing the experiments presented in paper; But i don't have Nikon P2000 camera with me so i couldn't perform it. It's strange that they chose this specific camera for the experiment. They said that other camera has got fish eye lens where as that camera contained normal camera lens.
I read some articles related to physics the other day, but due to the bias i couldn't finish it. There is a formula for a force that doesn't even exist. These NASA guys are monetizing the gullibility of normal people. I am above that, so NASA if you are reading this. I am not going to be fooled.