A Bird Eye view of Amor Fati from Toulmin's Model

Toulmin's Model is method of argumentation that breaks down any argument into six key component parts: Claim, Grounds, Warrant, Backing, Rebuttal, and Qualifier. Toulmin's model will be used for dissecting the argument raised by the Latin Phrase "Amor Fati" and how sensible is it to be used as daily driver for countering and interpreting events happening daily. Amor fati may be translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary.

    "Amor Fati" helps to cope up with extreme events. Since everything happens for a reason, embracing it is rational. When you are stuck in traffic, you say Amor fati i love it  When you are critisized on social media, you say Amor Fati i love it. When your program fails to compile, you say amor fati i love it. Your house burns down, instead of being sad and blaming someone, you say amor fati i embrace it and investigate about it or work extra harder for repairing.

    Nobody has absolute control over the events in their life. Surely one can grind for their future, for specific outcome but there is no guarantee that one might reach it through the expected way, or don't reach it at all. For the events that we have no control over i.e family members passing away, earthquake etc, it is only logical to embrace it rather than dangling on it and not moving on.

   The main assumption is that human beings are mortal, hence there is only a specific series of random events waiting to happen to them. There might be presumption but no absolute guarantee about the events. One can design a plan/goal or have a objective.What if plan fails? What if life doesn't go as previously thought? what if there is no second chance for your plans? Maybe the timespan for the person might be very small. Thinking that everything, either suffering, loss or moment of happiness  is part of a plan will fill heart's content. Hence, There might not be regret when he/she dies.

    There are circumstances where remorse for previous or current action is required.

    Fear of being left out is part of our evolution. Validation is what makes someone to be proud of certain group. Stoicism can sometimes lead someone to completely disregard their current position in society and make them go haywire.


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